“The last
month has been crazy what with moving
from our previous offices, which were in
Richmond at our staging plant. Now we are
on Burrard St. in Vancouver, across the
bridge from downtown. The market is really
strong and really active on Red Cedar. Most
majors are sold out the first quarter of the
new year. We have been booking business
like crazy and now we have to step back and
evaluate before taking additional
orders. Prices are up $50 to $100 per thousand
and people are paying it.
“Everyone was optimistic at the Tradersʼ
Market in Chicago. They were very upbeat
and talked about making some money during
the past year and that the new year
should be as good or better. There is a log
shortage in Cedar. This is creating some
issues. One x 12 boards are tight and so are
timbers. Clears are hard to get. Overall, we
anticipate a good year for 2013.”
Andy Carr, in sales for Gorman Brothers,
a large Spruce and Lodgepole board