Before barb wire became available in the late 1800's, one of the traditional fences constructed of rails split from logs which were rot resistant such as Chestnut or Yellow Locust. The rails were stacked in an alternate fashion, in a zig-zag pattern with an occasional post at the corners. As a variation of this style and a precursor to our modern style the rails were stacked in an alternate style in a straight line and sandwiched between posts in the line where they met the next rail.
Today, our Mountain Split Rail fence is usually a 3 rail style, using hardwood rails and a treated Southern Yellow Pine or Locust posts every 10' along the fence line. The fence measures 48" to the top rail and the rails themselves overlap each other within the post preventing rails from falling out as horses push against the fence. With these heavy hardwood rails, this makes it ideal for equestrian uses, pastures and paddocks. It is installed without nails so you don't encounter accidents that loose nails can cause. Sterling Fence Inc has sold and installed mountain split rail for close to 40 years with many installation still in great condition on horse farms around the country.
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